*の欄は必須項目です。/Please do not skip *columns. |
個人情報の取り扱いについて/Handling of Personal Information |
また、あなたの同意がある場合、法令に基づき提供を求められた場合を除いて第三者に提供されることはありません。 UTokyo will not use the personal information of those applying for UTokyo Guarantor System for any purpose other than acting as their guarantor.
UTokyo will not disclose the personal information to any third party without the consent of students, unless required by law. |
*制度利用の確認/Confirmation of usage of this system |
大学の連帯保証制度を利用することについて、不動産会社/貸主から許可を得ましたか? Have you got permission for you to use the university guarantee system from your landlord/agent?
*保証会社加入/Enrollment in the guarnator company |
アパート契約には不動産会社指定の保証会社加入も必須ですか?その場合、大学保証制度に申込むことはできません。 Is your enrollment in the Realtor's designated guarantor company (other than UTokyo Guarantor System) required for your apartment lease contract? If Yes, your application is unacceptable. |
*申請種別/Type of application |
*契約更新する場合When renewing your lease contract: Select '更新/Application for renewal' *契約期間中に保険が切れる場合When your insurance is expiring during the valid contract period: Select '保険だけ延長/Extend insurance only' |
「その他」の場合/In case of 'others' |
*氏名(アルファベット表記)/Name in alphabet letters |
*same order as written in your residence card |
氏名(カタカナ表記)/Name in Katakana |
*生年月日/ Birth date |
*yyyy/mm/dd |
*学籍番号/Student ID Number |
東京大学の学生証をまだ持っていない場合は 1 と記入/If you have not UTokyo student ID yet, fill out 1. |
*国籍/Nationality |
*性別/Gender |
*入学年月日/The date of enrollment |
*yyyy/mm/dd |
*卒業予定年月日/The expected date of graduation |
*yyyy/mm/dd ※大学院外国人研究生として在籍中/予定の方は、大学院修士課程や博士課程の入学試験を受験する予定があっても、
※Students enrolled/enrolling as graduate research students should enter the period of enrollment for which they have been accepted,
even if they plan to take an exam for a master's or doctor's course later.
*学部・大学院/Faculty/Graduate school |
「その他」所属先名称 If you choose others, fill out the name of institute |
*身分/status |
*学年/Grade |
指導教員名/Advising professor |
*if not decided, please enter 'N/A' |
*メールアドレス E-mail address |
Please make sure to use the UTokyo email account (e.g. @g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp) upon application. Since Gmail sometimes fails to receive our emails, please register an email address other than Gmail. |
*メールアドレス E-mail address(Re-confirm) |
※確認のため、もう一度ご入力ください。 /Please enter again for confirmation. |
メールアドレス(2つあれば)another E-mail address |
*現在の住所/Current Address |
*電話番号/Phone Number |
*希望物件郵便番号/Zip Code of the new address |
*契約期間 Rent Period |
* yyyy/mm/dd ― yyyy/mm/dd |
*希望物件住所/the new address |
*物件名と部屋番号/Name of the apartment with the room number |
*ex. 東京ハウス101号室/Tokyo House 101 |
*賃料/Rent |
*共益費を含む including common service fee ex. 70,000 Yen |
*保険期間を選択/Choose insurance period |
*保険料支払いのコンビニを選択/Choose a Convenience store to pay insurance fee |
*at Lawson 'Letter pack light is available' |
*Your Real Estate Agency/不動産会社名 |
*ex. エイブル東京店/ABLE Tokyo Branch |
*不動産会社電話番号/Phone Number of the Agent |
不動産会社住所/The address of the Agency |
*同居する家族または留学生の名前、同居する人との関係/Name(s) of family members / International Students who live with you, and the relationship with you |
例)東大太郎(配偶者)同居人がいなければ「なし」と記入。 Please fill in all. ex. Todai Taro (spouse) If not, just fill in 'None' Your family members need not apply for our system. |
友人の同居人について/Your friend living with you |
同居人は東京大学の留学生である My cohabitant(s)is/are UTokyo Intl. student(s). 同居人も別途申請を行う必要がある/My cohabitants need to submit this online form separately. |
*(経済状況)1か月に生活費として使える金額 (家賃を含む)/【financial situation】a monthly living allowance(including rent) |
*ex. 150,000 Yen |
*主な収入源/main source of income |
国費奨学金以外の奨学金を得ている場合、その奨学金の名称/Write down the name of Scholarship other than MEXT |
4. その他/others の収入源/other source of income |
*書類返送先/Choose a receiver of the 'Guarantee of Tenancy' |
*賃貸住宅入居保証書を不動産会社へ大学から直送することもす可能です。その場合は「不動産会社/to my real estate agency」を選んでください。 We can send the Guarantee to your real estate agency directly. In that case, please choose‘不動産会社/to my real estate agency. |
*Choose your preferred language in communication with UTokyo Staff/大学スタッフとの連絡言語 |
For E-mail communication with university admin staff, please choose your preferred language
備考/Remarks if any |
もうすぐ現在の課程を修了するが進学予定であるなど、特記すべきことがあれば記入してください。 If you finish your current enrollment soon but go on to further education at UTokyo, please remark here. |
*①保証人制度の内容について、東京大学のウェブサイトで確認しました。I visited the website on guarantor system and fully understand its content. |
連帯保証人制度の内容について東京大学のウェブサイトで確認しました。 I visited the website on guarantor system and fully understand its content. |
*②上記の内容に間違いはありません。There are no errors in the above information. |
*③連帯保証制度申請時、「留学生住宅総合補償」に加入します。I will join the “Comprehensive Renter’s Insurance for Foreign Students Studying in Japan” by requesting for UTokyo Guarantor System. |
By requesting for a UTokyo Guarantor System, I will take out the “Comprehensive Renter’s Insurance for Foreign Students Studying in Japan” through Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES). (*UTokyo will send you a payment slip for insurance premium after checking your application. Make a payment as instructed later.)
*➃留学の在留資格・学籍喪失により大学の連帯保証は解約される。Guarantee shall be terminated when losing my status of residence “Student”, or no longer enrolled as a student at UTokyo. |
連帯保証を受けている期間内に「留学」の在留資格又は東京大学の学生(学部・修士・専門職・博士・研究生)の身分を喪失した場合、本連帯保証が解約されることを了承する。 I fully understand that this Guarantee shall be terminated in the event of my forfeiting the residence status of “Student” or being enrolled as a Student (undergraduate, Master’s, professional, Doctorate, Research Student) at the University of Tokyo during the period for which I request a Guarantor.
*⑤東京大学離籍時には国際支援課と不動産会社または貸主に連絡します。I will inform International Support Group and agent/ landlord when graduating/withdrawing from University of that. |
I will immediately contact the International Support Group and the agent /landlord in the event of changes to the above information.
*⑥申請書に記載した家族または同居人以外は同居させません。I do not live with any persons other than family member /roommate written in the aplication. |
I do not cohabit with any person(s) other than my family member(s)/roommate(s) written in the application. |
*個人情報の第三者への提供について/Release of Personal Information |
In order to act as your guarantor, UTokyo will provide these below with your personal information:
the realtor/landlord,
Japan Educational Exchanges and Services: the contractor of 'the Comprehensive Renter’s Insurance for international students' you must be enrolled,
and Tokyo Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.: the insurance company which underwrites the insurance.